Eko is a bilingual ecology game to introduce you to some basic New Zealand ecological principles. It is aimed at students aged from year 9 – 13, but we encourage anyone to have a play.
In the game we/you journey ‘Mai Uta Ki Tai’ – ‘From the land to the sea’, passing through different environmental domains. Each domain is governed by its atua kaitiaki Māori God guardian: Tāne Mahuta – God of the forest, Maru – God of the rivers and Tangaroa – God of the sea.
In each domain, we introduce you to some of the tamariki of these atua. You can learn about them and how to help kaitiaki (protect) them.
The challenge is to see how many species you can remember!
Mai uta ki tai – From the mountains to the sea, atua rule their domains; Tāne Mahuta – atua of the ngahere, Maru – atua of the awa, and Tangaroa – atua of the moana. Their children and all the animals and species that live in their domains are special to these places.
In Aotearoa, we have animals, birds, and plants that aren’t found anywhere else in the world.
But our ngahere, awa, and moana are also filled with pests, such as possums, rats and stoats, which have made their way here from other countries.
Using your great problem-solving skills, see how many pests and native species you can identify and remember.
Email info@landcareresearch.co.nz | Phone +64 3 321 9999 | Fax +64 3 321 9997 | PO Box 69040, Lincoln, New Zealand
© Arthouse Design 2019